Saturday, May 17, 2008

Hi Normans!

Hello there! Thanks for sharing. We've got pictures on Picasa2 that you can see . That's just one album, but you can check out the others from the site. I haven't created a blog yet for us. My sister, Lannee has and it's great . This is a great way for us to keep the cousins connected because we all showcase our kids on these sites and then they'll get to know a little bit about each other's lives. Keep us posted. How do you like Utah so far?
Adios - Marcie Estes

1 comment:

mom norman said...

We like Utah but the weather is oh so weard. School is almost out and the girls are looking forward to that. We are fixing little things in the house that are bothering. Richard is writing on a book that I hope will be finished soon. I don't know where everyone is that lives in utah although we got to see Gwen last month for about an hour. I look forward to see more of the cousins as you put it. I have been so far away from most of the family for years. Bye Vada